Rohrer-Industrieservice GmbH takes over Becker Automatisierungsgesellschaft mbH

Gestion des délais et des temps d’arrêt de service
Services de montage
Ingénierie systèmes
Automation / Technique MCR
Maintenance industrielle
Nettoyage industriel
Travaux de nettoyage lors des arrêts de service / délais
Nettoyage au jet d’eau à haute pression
Nettoyage d’échangeurs thermiques
Nettoyage des colonnes / cuves
Nettoyage des conduites / canaux
Découpage au jet d’eau abrasif
Nettoyage cryogénique / au CO2
Installations d’alimentation en air / superaspirateur
Transport de marchandises dangereuses ADR / véhicules d’aspiration / remorques à haute pression
Nettoyage chimique / décapage
Substances toxiques et désamiantage
Équipement – nettoyage industriel
Nettoyage des citernes / services citernes
Construction/Maintenance de Réservoir/Construction de canalisations
Isolation technique
Services Offshore
Bâtiment et génie civil
Sécurité et Qualité
Expanding of Industrial Services in the field of Software Engineering
Rohrer Group is expanding its industrial services of process- and manufacturing industry in the field of automation. With the acquisition of “Becker Automatisierungsgesellschaft mbH” Rohrer Group is taking over a high-performance provider with over 25 years of experience in developing and implementing automation solutions.
The company based near Frankfurt has long-time project experience in software development. Their business activities include complete solutions – from conception to implementing and service in Germany and abroad.
Ideal extension of existing service activities
For Rohrer Industrieservice GmbH this new commitment is an ideal extension of the existing service activities in the field of automation.
The field “automation” provides tailored complete system solutions for process- and manufacturing industries (process analysis, concept development, project engineering, production of control systems, EMSR-fitting, implementing and service). With software engineering this portfolio is ideally reinforced by the acquisition of “Becker Automatisierungsgesellschaft”.